Numerous people spilling delicious tea.

“How do you know, you weren’t there.”
— Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) March 6, 2019
That has been one of the main lines the press have used against me as I speak up for my uncle.
Someone sent me this part of the “doc”, and I can tell you with 100% certainly, Wade’s WHOLE family flat out lied on camera in this video…more
I worked in the house at Neverland when the Safechucks were there, in the early 90’s. They had no problem taking advantage of Mr.Jackson’s generosity back then. Michael was never on property when they came. He chose not to be.
— Judi Brisse (@JudiBrisse) March 6, 2019
All for Michael and TRUTH…#MichaelJacksonInnocent #michaeljackson #FactsDontLiePeopleDo @tajjackson3
— Danny Oliver (@DannyMJOliver) March 5, 2019
When we did the Michael Jackson Opus we did a chapter on Wade Robson who bragged about his 20 year relationship with his Mentor Michael. I don’t believe his being in that trashy movie. Our book examined every aspect of Michael’s life don’t believe Wade
— Jeff S Wald (@JeffWald) February 7, 2019
Tea time ?☕️
— Brandi Jackson (@BJackson82) February 11, 2019
Wade and I were together for over 7 years, but I bet that isn’t in his “documentary” because it would ruin his timeline. And did I mention, it was my uncle, #MichaelJackson, who set us up? Wade is not a victim, #WadeRobsonIsaLiar
Michael Jackson Defended By Former Employee From Mid 90s
— SimOS (@Sym0s) February 2, 2019
Scottie Shaffer also added that the Robsons didn’t spend that much time at Neverland.
I talked to two of Wade Robson's former co-dancers who he told in 2004 and 2008 the stories about Michael Jackson and molesting children were all lies! One of them said he knew Wade to be a decent, truthful person back then and is shocked by his story now.
— Jolanda vd Grift (@LunaJo67) February 5, 2019
Not only do we have to deal with these lies, but we’ve also got to deal with people perpetuating these lies. The fact that they fail to do the small amount of research it takes to prove these are lies, by choice or not, makes it even worse.
— Brett Barnes ?✊? (@IAmBrettBarnes) January 30, 2019
Ten years after his passing, and it just won't stop. For the record: I was at Record One for every single day of the "Dangerous" album, and WR stopped by on a few occasions.
— bsunmedia (@InStudioWithMJ) February 14, 2019
Jason Eisberg worked for MJ for several years, even helping on "Thriller 25: The Book."
— Chicken Boo stan account ? (@RobLives4Love) March 1, 2019