Michael’s Kids Are All Grown Up!

Michael’s kids sure have grown up, haven’t they? When the hell did that happen?? Anyway, we have some videos of them for you today.

First up is Bigi, speaking to Good Morning Britain in a short clip.

It’s crazy how much he’s grown to resemble his father, isn’t it?

Next up are a couple of videos of Prince. The first is an interview, also from Good Morning Britain, where he discusses his annual Thriller Night party.

The second is a clip from a radio interview in which he describes a possibly paranormal incident that happened in Ireland and it’s HILARIOUS.

Next is an old clip of Paris from 2015. It’s also really short, but it’s new to us and we have to share it.

Paris Moonwalking!! How cool is that!?

Last is a video from Entertainment Tonight about all three, including parts of Prince and Bigi’s GMB interviews above.

Michael would be so proud of his kids! They’ve grown up to become awesome people and it’s so good to see they’re all happy and healthy!

Enjoy the videos!


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