Court of Appeals Grants Wade Robson a Trial Against the MJ Estate (Fuck You, Wade!)

By Jamie Bergen

TMZ is reporting that the court of appeals has tentatively granted Wade Robson his trial against the Michael Jackson Estate.

Yes, TMZ is considered by many to be tabloid trash, but one thing they’re usually not is wrong. They have sources everywhere, so it’s pretty safe to assume this news is accurate.

Where to even start with this? I suppose with the first question that entered my mind: Why now? Wade has been suing the Estate since 2013. An entire decade at this point. But now the court of appeals decides that his lie-ridden case should go to trial? What the fuck changed?

The thought of Wade all smug because he’s finally going to get his trial is making me physically ill. Not to mention there’s now a chance Safechuck will get his trial, too. And I don’t even want to think about happy their hack lawyers must be right now.

And the timing of this news certainly isn’t lost on me. The day after Michael’s 14th anniversary? Hmph. I’m sure if June 25 hadn’t been on a Sunday it would’ve been reported then.

I am not the most optimistic of people, but let’s look at the positives:

  1. The Estate has excellent laywers
  2. Thomas Mesereau is part of the Estate’s team
  3. A court of law is real life, not a deceptively edited documentary
  4. Wade’s lies simply won’t be able to hold up under cross examination
  5. The evidence is exculpatory, not inculpatory
  6. The trial may be televised, so Wade’s lies could very well be exposed for all to see, like Amber Heard’s were

However, there are negatives to consider as well:

  1. Trolls
  2. Wade’s arrogance will be ramped up to “ARE YOU NUTS!?!”
  3. The media
  5. Again, this decision may open the door for Safechuck to get a trial, too
  6. What if Wade actually wins?
  7. Did I mention TROLLS?

The positives do seem to outweigh the negatives, though, don’t they? I mean, we’ve been through the worst with Leaving Neverland, we know what to expect now. And I have to say, the possibility of seeing Wade’s case fall apart on TV, in real time, is quite delicious.

There is this, too:

And this:

Of course, this all depends on whether or not TMZ’s report is correct. All we can do right now is wait for confirmation.

In the meantime, we continue to fight to protect Michael and his legacy. So business as usual.

EDIT 6/27

TMZ has updated their article with a joint statement from the two liars:

“Justice and healing” = “the pay day we’ve been trying to extort from the Estate for a decade”

Yeah, so this decision applies to the both of them. And I want to see the both of them go down in flames SO FUCKING BADLY. So yes, bring on this trial.


Televise it. Stream it on YouTube. Let the whole world watch as they attempt to get out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves and fail. Let them become the targets of memes and ridicule on Twitter and Tik Tok.

Because we all know this is never what they wanted. They wanted a quick and quiet settlement; “their truth” was never anything more than a get rich quick scheme, which is why Wade originally filed under seal. They just weren’t counting on the Estate going, “Nah, fuck that, we’ll never settle.”

Now we get to see how this plays out. Whatever happens, the Estate is ready. We’re ready.

If this does indeed go to trial, it will be Wade and James’ undoing, I’m sure of it.

EDIT 6/29
